On January 1993, Apple released ColorSync 1.0. It was the first time a manufacturer raised the possibility of using colorimetry and Lab space and mathematically linking it to the RGB and CMYK spaces. Previously, densitometry and of dot gain compensation (linearization) were used.
In February 1994, Apple launched ColorSync 2.0, but Apple was no longer alone in this project, these specifications were released jointly with Adobe, Agfa, Kodak, Sun, Sgi and Taligent.
This photo is from the signature of the ColorSync 2.0 specifications.
In 1994 was released the first ICC Profiles creation software, ColorBlind 1.0. Juan Martorell was at this time working as Technical Director of the company Juprima S.L. Juprima S.L become official distributor for Spain and Portugal of ColorBlind products. So Juan Martorell has been marketing, installing of Color Management Systems (CMS) in an uninterrupted way since the first available product until today.
This means he is probably the most experienced professional on these topics, not only in Spain, in the whole world. During all these years, Juan Martorell has been working on institutions like AIDO and companies like BeDigital. He has continued with a work of CMS trainings in the market and providing Calibration and Characterization services of all kind of devices in photomechanics, digitization centers, photographers, designers, advertising agencies, digital printers, copy shops, printers, publishers, rotogravure printers, xerographers, flexographic printers, packaging... he has been also responsible of the training in all these companies, institutions, manufacturers, Administration, technicians and more. He has given numerous speech and conference, nationally and internationally and has published a host of articles about this topic.
Today we are not the only company in Spain that provides Calibration Services, students of Juan Martorell or students of students, or students of students of students ... they have been working and they try to be our competence. We do not care, Spain is big enough for many different calibration services companies, moreover, our agenda is limited and ColorInLab prefers to give an exceptional service directly executed by Juan Martorell than training 10 technicians and send them to our customers, so we cover as far as we can. Yes, none of the companies that have tried our services want to change the calibration provider, and this will mean something. Ask to any of our customers for our level of quality in service and for the satisfaction obtained and you will be convinced.
Whatever color problem you have, we will solve it. We have spent many years solving the real color problems of companies and we have even created our own software’s for solving some problems that couldn’t be solved with standard tools in the market.
The problems companies ask for us are:
- I do not see on screen the color of the images I scan or photograph.
- Each scanner / camera produces a different color from the original.
- Each screen shows the same file with a different color.
- Each software shows on the same screen the same file with a different color.
- I do not see the printed color on the screen.
- The same file printed on each machine creates a different color.
- On the same printing machine, different colors come out if I change the support.
- I cannot print the color my client wants.
All these problems and many others can be solved in an efficient way by the correct use of the CMS tools.
If you’re an end user, a printer, a distributor or a manufacturer, call us for speaking with us and tell us what you need. We will build the solution for your needs and we will offer it to you with our maximum quality; ...
If you are not satisfied, we give you back your money
... and yes, know that all our customers paid ...
You can find a little more technical information about the Calibration Services in the following links:
- Calibration of Scanners.
- Calibration of Digital Cameras.
- Calibration of Monitors.
- Calibration of Projectors.
- Calibration of Printing Devices.