Rapid Spectro Cube (RSC), is a colorimetric measuring instrument, specially designed for industrial environments where, the speed of reading, is a factor as much important as the quality of them.
RSC is designed for taking the same time reading 1 patch or 10,000 patches, as a single colorimetric capture of the chart is performed and subsequently processed and analyzed, there is no limitation regarding the maximum number of patches to be read. The real limitation is given by the resolution of the printing device, since it must be able to print with defined squares the number of patches defined in the chart.
RSC has an effective reading area of 48x48 cm, although printed chats can be read on surfaces up to 79x79 cm. The dimensions of the equipment are 83x84x111 cm (depth x width x height). Thanks to our Virtual Light® technology, the perfect homogeneity of the readings is guaranteed over 100% of the reading area.
RSC has an omnidirectional lighting mechanism, so it doesn’t give the reading problems of the 0/45º, 45/0º and sphere colorimeters and spectrophotometers geometries where the angle of incidence of the used light is unique, generating problems of diffraction, reflection and refraction in translucent materials (ceramics, crystals, plastics, etc.) problems of darkening and shading in texturized materials (textiles, canvas, etc.) and also in materials with metallic highlights and special effects (alloys, aluminum, etc.).
RSC has two lighting sources (luminaires) that can be changed by the user. By default, it is equipped with D50 and D65, but the user can mount the lighting on the instrument of his choice (F11, F5, etc.). Reading the patches with the light you want, you can solve Metamerism problems, being RSC the only instrument able to solve this problem.
Of course, RSC can also be used to perform conventional chart readings (ECI-2002, IT8.7-4, etc.) on conventional materials (paper, vinyl, canvas, etc.).
The RSC charts are generated from ColorGate Production Server v10 in a completely dynamic way, selecting the number of colors to generate (up to 10,000), the color mode (from 3 to 8 colors), the dimensions of each patch (width x height) and the dimensions of the letter (width x height).